Global Trends and Regional Insights in the Construction Plastics Market

Global Trends and Regional Insights in the Construction Plastics Market The expansion of the construction plastics market is occuring swiftly because of increasing development in urban areas alongside sustainability requirements. The construction plastic market sector will increase from its 2024 initial value of $109.15 billion to $117.79 billion through 2025 at a Compound Annual Growth… Continue reading Global Trends and Regional Insights in the Construction Plastics Market

The Revolution of Plastic Formworks in Modern Building Practices

The Revolution of Plastic Formworks in Modern Building Practices Advanced construction materials and methods are bringing about an impressive change in the sector in terms of increasing building productivity. Plastic formwork in India is an innovative solution that boosts any construction project. Such systems provide a practical way of construction that is much faster and… Continue reading The Revolution of Plastic Formworks in Modern Building Practices

Mothers in Construction – Meet the Jugglers

Mothers in Construction – Meet the Jugglers The application of formworks in construction works dates back several centuries. Since then, the construction domain has always remained a male-dominated profession.  Even though the types of technologies and construction formworks used for structural works evolved over the years, the gender pattern of workforce participation has not changed… Continue reading Mothers in Construction – Meet the Jugglers

What is Formwork for Beams and Columns?

What is Formwork for Beams and Columns? When it comes to formworks the entire focus shifts to the concrete wall construction process. But, in reality, for any structure to stand strong, beams and columns play an equally important role.  Together these two indispensable elements of construction work ensure structural strength and stability of any building.… Continue reading What is Formwork for Beams and Columns?

Formworks and Their Applications

Formworks and Their Applications Formwork has always been important for construction. Be it a hundred years back or today, all construction works relied on durable, easy-to-install formworks. From the traditional Timber ones to the modern-day plastic varieties, forms evolved according to the needs of the time but never lost their relevance.  Types of Formworks and… Continue reading Formworks and Their Applications

Incredible Applications Of Nova Formworks

Incredible Applications Of Nova Formworks Formworks in construction have been integral. From beam formworks to concrete retaining wall formworks, these structural supports remain the key requirement for every construction project. Here is a list of formworks and their applications that make the ever-evolving construction works easier than ever.  Slab Forms For constructing beams, slabs, and… Continue reading Incredible Applications Of Nova Formworks