Towards a Sustainable Economy on Population Day

Population rise has impacted the human race in many ways. While it has benefitted millions across the world through demographic dividends, excessive population pressure has also triggered issues like income inequality, environmental degradation and more.  

This year, on World Population Day, which is celebrated on the 11th of July every year, everyone should understand how the population can be an asset instead of a liability.  

According to the forecast of experts, the world is set to reach a mark of 8.5 billion people by 2030.  Therefore, we stand at the crucial junction of time where every step we take can decide the planet this Earth will become in the coming years. 

Our actions today will resonate through time and we must be aware and conscious of the impending dangers and opportunities at the same time. Of thousands of contributors, the construction industry remains a major one in global waste. 

With rising population graphs, controlling construction might not be feasible. But, we can always make the construction processes more sustainable and eco-friendly so that human activities do not wound our planet. 

For example, formwork in construction is indispensable. However, using plastic construction formworks can be one way to ensure sustainable construction. Here are a few ways in which a growing population can build and support a sustainable economy. 

Sustainable Development

As the population graph is going steeply upward, it is time to understand the perils of overpopulation. To manage this issue, sustainable development remains the only way out. This means, that no matter the choices people make, they should be in line with the ecology. 

Maintenance of biodiversity, environmental balances, and controlling climate change can be a few processing issues to deal with for ensuring sustainable development. Efforts of no single domain can achieve these goals. It requires the wholehearted participation of everyone worldwide. 

As far as the construction domain is concerned, using Nova plastic formworks instead of timbers or metal forms can be a step toward greener construction endeavours. 

Empowering Girls and Women

Ensuring gender equality, spreading awareness about birth control, and empowering women are essential for avoiding overpopulation.  If women and girls can access education, opportunities, and healthcare, they can make more informed choices and contribute to the goal of sustainable development. 

Controlling Urbanisation Challenge

The rise in population always encourages urbanisation. Therefore, construction houses should opt for planned construction using eco-friendly formworks.

Efficient infrastructure amalgamated with easy access to basic services can make the entire setup more sustainable for all.  

More urbanisation is inevitable if the population grows further. But, intelligent handling of this problem can mitigate the amount of carbon footprint generated during this process. 

Technological Innovation

Finally, embracing technological innovation can be a smart way to deal with problems caused by population explosion. With sustainable alternatives, traditional land-intensive agricultural practices can be replaced.  

Similarly, greener alternatives can replace fossil fuel consumption. All these and more can contribute significantly and positively to making the world a better and more sustainable place to live in. 

NovaFormWorks is one of the leading suppliers and manufacturers of plastic formworks in India. As a reputed and responsible manufacturer of this domain, Nova commits its efforts and resources to making reusable, recyclable, eco-friendly formworks that help reduce on-site waste generation substantially. The precast manufacturing process ensures production under controlled conditions and zero on-site waste.